Saturday, January 14, 2017

Mosquito Repellent Plants | How Effective It Is

Growing mosquito repellent plants throughout your yard is an excellent idea for keeping the mosquitoes at a bay. The question arises either there are such plants that can create a mosquito free region in your house? Definitely the answer is NO! The plants themselves can do nothing; however, you may use these plants as mosquito repellents.

Obviously, there are no such plants that tend to repel mosquitoes. It is just a myth that growing a plant will kick off all the mosquitoes causing disturbance in your home. However, there are several plants that have mosquito repellent properties and can be used to make natural mosquito repellents. There are various natural mosquito repellent recipes that can help you make your mosquito repellent natural at home.

To make your natural mosquito repellent at home, you need to make mosquito repellent plants grow. There are no mosquito repellent trees that can make the mosquitoes stay at a bay; however, their leaves can be crushed to extract oils and make natural mosquito repellents. Before choosing a plant to grow in your yard, make sure you are not allergic to it. To test whether your allergic or not, test the natural mosquito repellent at a smaller area of your skin.

Read Also : Best Mosquito Trap

Mosquito Repellent Plants | A Natural Solution

There are various plants that can be used to make mosquito repellents. There is a variety of mosquito repellent shade plants that tend to repel mosquito when their leaves are crushed and oil is extracted from them. Definitely all of you would like to know about mosquito repellent plants to get rid of these terrible creatures that buzz around you and draw your blood from your veins causing terrible diseases such as malaria.

Mosquito bites feel itchy and irritating. One of the common ways to get rid of mosquitoes is spraying an ample quantity of poisonous chemicals in the mosquito infested area. Some of you would be definitely interested in adopting a natural approach to kill these tiny creatures.

Mosquito repellent plants

One of the most common herbs that show mosquito repellent properties is garlic. It is clinically proven natural remedy for repelling mosquitoes. A concentration made of 1% garlic oil, bees wax and petroleum jelly can be used to repel mosquitoes effectively.

Some researchers have observed that people, who have greater intake of garlic, are less likely to be bitten by mosquitoes. Catnip is herb from mint family that is considered effective in repelling mosquitoes. Catnip does not only repel mosquitoes but also other insects such as termites, cockroaches and spiders.

Lavender oil is used in many skin care products. It is also considered to be one of the most effective natural mosquito repellent. Beauty berry is also one of the famous mosquito repellent plants that repel the mosquitoes effectively. Lemon grass oil also helps keep the terrible mosquitoes at a distance.

There are some other mosquito repellent plants that tend repel mosquitoes; but not as effectively as the above mentioned, such as onion, horse-mint, marigolds, rosemary, basil leaves.

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