Saturday, January 7, 2017

What Do Onions Do for Your Body

Onions come from the steppe region of Central Asia and Western, probably from the territory of Afghanistan today. Onions are one of the oldest crop plants, as documented about 5,000 years ago. Also, onion is recognized as a medicinal plant, spice and a vegetable.

Growing onions for summer and winter
After the method of cultivation, there is “summer onion” and “winter onions”. Summer Bulbs is sown early spring and harvested in August and September. It can be stored until March the following year. Leek Winter is more juicy and less quickly and is sown in August.

It only becomes an adult the following spring and can be harvested in June, but cannot be stored for a long period of time. If the onions are planted in the field it should be an open space , sunny, well-ventilated. Moreover, the onion does not support much plant leaves which release to much nitrogen in the soil, such as alfalfa.

The field must be thoroughly cleaned of Alliums crops for at least four years. The longer this period, the better. Ages of sowing – onion is a crop resistant to cold. In other words, this vegetable can be sown in autumn (late November) before the frost, or in January-February when the land starts to defrost (in early March to late April). If they are sowed early , the better will be used the moisture in the soil .

Preparation and cultivation of the plots
Onions are sensitive to soil structure. Because seeds have direct contact with the substrate of intact soil, the plot should not be deeper than 3 cm. Smoothing is necessary if the soil is too loose.

In the treatment of colds, the flu and bronchitis, the onion have remarkable effects. Frostbite, respiratory and rheumatic problems, hair loss and headaches can be treated effectively with fresh onion juice. It is recommended that onions are consumed mostly fresh, baked in the shell or in the form of soup, became famous in the traditional Parisian kitchen. Onions have strong antibacterial properties and therefore is an excellent remedy for treating respiratory infections.

The of onions have in composition albumin, minimum amounts of fat, vitamins B, C and E . 100 g of onions are low in calories-about 22 kcal (it may be consumed and in the treatment of weight loss and detoxification) and 2 g dietary fiber, 260 mg potassium, 26 mg vitamin C, 39 mg calcium, 54 micrograms of acid Folic, carotene, phosphorus, iodine.

It is important to remember that onions contain some , substances with important role in reducing blood cholesterol levels and streamlining it. 100 g of onion may also contain 50 mg of vitamin C the daily recommended dose. In turn, vitamin C has a critical role in neutralizing free radicals and nitrosamines. Also, some active ingredients of onions helps to optimize irrigation of the brain with blood, helping to improve short memory.

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